Easy Exercise Solutions When You are Out of Town

Traveling can be a lot of fun, especially when visiting people you haven’t seen in awhile.  But, it also disrupts our usual schedules, including exercise routines. Some individuals may throw in the towel and incline not to exercise while out of town, but those that are committed to health and wellness might think otherwise.  Read More

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Is Walking REALLY Good Enough?

Walking is man’s best medicine. — Hippocrates

Over 2000 years ago, a Greek physician claimed that walking (and food) were the best types of medicine for man.  He believed the secret to staying healthy hung on these 2 things.  Just 200 years ago, Thomas Jefferson proclaimed walking as the “best possible exercise.”  … Read More

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Is Cycling for You?

Two of the biggest reasons people quit their exercise routine is boredom and time.  Who wants to exercise if you don’t like it?  Sure, everyone deals with the “want to” sometimes, but if your exercise is a dread, then don’t complain about it and instead try something new!… Read More

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