The Best Exercise Workout for Awesome Results in Less Time

Good things come to those who sweat. 

For years, athletic training programs have been using a specific type of exercise program to improve athlete performance and fitness.  But this exercise method has gained popularity among recreational exercisers (people like you and me!)… Read More

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Beyond Resolutions- Making Exercise Habits Stick

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” — Jim Rohn

Exercise is a powerful part of a healthy lifestyle.  Research shows that it goes beyond physical fitness and invades our mental and emotional health as well.  We also know that the feeling of accomplishment builds strength, courage, and confidence.  Read More

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Adapting an Exercise Routine to Fit Your Life

Creating a workout routine sounds relatively simple.  You decide an activity you want to do, determine how long you want to do this activity, identify what days you will perform the activity and then POOF!!, you just do it. Right??  Well, I have found it is not always as easy as it sounds and the exercise plan, while necessary, doesn’t always work out.… Read More

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One More Step for Strong Bones

According to National Institute of Health, bone mass peaks between ages 20-30, making it crucial for individuals to actively work to maintain bone density throughout the lifespan.  Bone is living tissue, constantly tearing down and building up, but when the tearing down is occurring quicker than the building up, bones lose density and begin to get larger pores or holes, making them less stable and vulnerable to injury.… Read More

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Fueling for Exercise

It is not uncommon right now to hear about Olympians consuming thousands of calories to fuel their competitions and practices.  Depending on the sport, level of endurance training and body composition of the athlete, as many as 5,000-10,000 calories are consumed on a competition day!  Read More

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Amp It Up- Keep Your Metabolism Working For You

Did you know that after age 40-50, your body begins losing muscle at an average rate of 5% per decade?!  And, it can result in up to 30-40% loss of functional strength over the lifespan!! How would this affect your mobility, self-esteem, and quality of life?  … Read More

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