Giving Our Kids a Taste for Fruits and Vegetables

According to the CDC, statistics from 2003-2010 show that only 7% of children, adolescents and teens (age 2-18) eat the recommended servings of vegetables each day (1-3 cups/day, depending on age).  Better news shows that some progress has been made in the area of fruit consumption, but 60% of children still fail to meet the 1-2 cup serving per day.  … Read More

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Beauty Through the Seasons


It took a solid year after having my little girl to regain my “close-to” pre-baby body.  No, it will probably never look exactly the same and that is completely okay with me, but as I learned to extend grace to myself through the sloooowwwww weight loss process (nursing did not help me lose weight like it does for some women), I also learned some ways to treat and clothe my body to boost self esteem along the journey.  Read More

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Beautiful You

If any of you have been on a weight loss journey in the past or present, you can probably relate to a time when you discovered the perfect “goal weight” outfit… the one you were going to wear when you reached your long awaited achievement.  … Read More

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Becoming Alive


“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” — Howard Thurman


What makes you come alive?  For me, providing individuals with encouraging support, practical resources and effective coaching along their health journey is what brings me incredible excitement and fulfillment!  … Read More

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