Top Rated Books About Food and Nutrition for Kids and Teens

top rated books about food and nutrition for kids and teens

Some dietitian friends have helped me create a list of top rated books about food and nutrition for kids and teens!

It is known that reading books have the potential to skyrocket kids’ vocabulary and ability to communicate well, but they also build knowledge and create curiosity… and curiosity can lead to powerful actions.Read More

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De-escalating Meal Time Drama Around Kids & Food
strategies for feeding kids

“That’s yucky!”


“I don’t like that!”

Kid comments like these are often followed up with whining and begging for favorite foods.  And these negative food experiences are enough to make any parent exasperated. Once the whining wears you down, the idea of giving up and giving in, just to stop the chaotic noise and make the food experience a little bit better is totally understandable.… Read More

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11 Healthy & Satisfying Snacks for the Family Road Trip

Snacks are a critical component of a healthy diet.  Allowing too long between meals invites cravings, impulse food decisions and can encourage us to eat quickly and too much when we do sit down for a meal.  However, the wrong type of snack can keep us munching on empty calories only to find we are still hungry.  Read More

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Meat-LESS Meal Planning for Carnivores

“You’re kidding?”  That was the response I received the first time I suggested we try following a ‘Meatless Monday’ meal plan.  No amount of feminine charms could convince or seduce my husband into getting on board.  It became a mute subject.  Read More

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