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If you look good, you feel good and if you feel good, you do good. –Georges St. Pierre

When you look amazing, you walk with confidence, smile more, enjoy the stares of your spouse and engage in conversation.  It totally changes the way we carry ourselves,  think about ourselves and how others engage with us.

I remember going back to work after 12 weeks maternity leave with McKaela and how amazing it felt to be forced back into a routine that required me to invest some extra TLC in my appearance, wardrobe, and presentation.  Although I still had the “mummy tummy” and had not lost all of my pre-pregnancy weight, dressing up and looking professional did my confidence a world of good!

It doesn’t matter what size you wear now, you are beautiful.  And a great wardrobe can enhance your best features.  Even if you are still on a weight loss journey or haven’t lost those last 5 stubborn pounds after baby, I am confident that with a little encouragement and style know-how, you can look at feel amazing at any size!

I am incredibly excited to introduce to you my friend, Varnessa Bails, wardrobe stylist and creator of Pray then Slay.  Varnessa studied marketing at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY, has been a buyer for an NYC fashion retailer and has been mentored by several celebrity wardrobe stylists.  With a keen eye and a passion for fashion, she looks amazing every time she steps outside her door! AND, she loves to help women do the same!!  Today, I thought it would be fun to have her do a Q & A with me on Spring fashion trends for the busy woman.

As busy moms, it can be challenging to find time to steal away to try on new fashion trends and see what works.  Varness is going to save you loads of frustration and time by sharing some insights about what’s in, what’s out, and what will work for YOUR body.  This fun post will be full of ideas and pictures so you can see these outfits put together.

FAIR WARNING…Varnessa is a gorgeous beauty and her photos show. BUT REMEMBER that this article is all about inspiring and encouraging you to LOVE YOURSELF, INSIDE AND OUT!

Let’s have some fun…

What colors are ‘in’ this spring?

This spring you can be sure to see a lot of fuschia, various shades of blues, blush, yellows and orange.

What are some of the styles this season that works well with most body types?

Most women always want to hide their mid-section. Looking slimmer in clothing is a priority for my clients.  This season, I’d definitely incorporate an A-line dress into your wardrobe.  This dress has a more tapered midsection which gives the illusion of an hourglass and highlighting a curvy feature by the fullness of the bottom.

Kimonos are a major in-season trend and it’s so easy to throw it over a basic top with some denim or even a casual crop trouser. You can wear it open or drape it closed to hide any unwanted bulge.

A tapered leg trouser can definitely be worn this season, and so many stores offer a variety of styles (curvy, tall, petite) to give you just the right fit.

Are there any styles to stay away from?

I’ve always been one to not follow many trends.  I usually teach my clients how to incorporate timeless pieces (wardrobe essentials) and then build your favorite looks upon that.  I will say, if it’s not a flattering top, dress, or color then you definitely want to stay clear of that.  Not every garment that’s worn by mannequins is suitable for every body type.


What are some “staple” pieces every woman needs in their closet?  How do you use these items to create new outfits?  

These are my 4 top staple garments that I believe every female should keep in her closet:

  1. Black Blazer. A classic black blazer never goes out of style. Wear it to work with a skirt or pant and then in the evening, add a pair of denim and heels for a casual chic look.
  2. Black Trousers. Just like a black blazer, you can dress it up or down. Even adding a nice luxe tee with trousers are pretty popular these days.
  3. Dark or Medium wash denim.  I chose dark or medium wash because they’re the most classic, rich quality look in the denim world.  These days, denim can be incorporated into many different looks.  Adding a blazer makes your look chic and you can still maintain a professional look.
  4. Black or Nude Heels/Flats.  Whatever your comfort level, you can always seal your look with a classic black or nude shoe.  They are a part of the “fashion neutral family” and you will never have to feel self-conscious on whether or not your shoes match your outfit.

What is one simple way to freshen up or change up an outfit?

Adding color is a great way to freshen up or change up an outfit.  Black is everyone’s safe place, but by adding a color that really highlights your skin tone (especially with this nice sunny weather) you can give your current garments a fresh look by adding a nice pop of color.  It’s also a quick way to liven you up on the inside!

If I were to go buy 2 new fun and trendy pieces this spring, what should I buy?

Bare your shoulders this spring.  There are so many cute, off the shoulder blouses (ruffles, florals, prints, etc.) that are really fun to wear. Fray it up a little. Adding a cute pair of frayed denim (cropped, full length or knee length) is definitely a fun piece.  It will definitely show the daring side of mommyhood (Yes! You still have it!), but they’re fun! I’ve worn frayed denim even with soft, business blouses and it was still a gorgeous complete look.


What are some budget-friendly tips for those of us that don’t have a big wardrobe budget but want to feel trendy this season?

  • Definitely sign up for coupons.  Some retailers send out coupons that you cannot find through google.
  • Price around and ask for a discount.  Some stores want a sale and if they’re in competition, you might be surprised that a cashier can key in additional savings.
  • Shop the sale racks. As retailers are needing to move in next season items, they’re pushing last season’s to the back. You will find great gems on the sale rack and they’re a great carry over to the next season.


What is 1 thing you do to boost your mood when you are feeling unattractive on a particular day?

I’ll add a red lip color to my wardrobe for a daring look.  Something about those red shades at MAC. It will surely spice up a dull feeling.


What tips do you have to help women find their own personal style?

Embrace your shape.  We’re not all made to have this perfectly proportioned body and that’s ok!  Embrace your shape and find garments that work with you and not against you (tugging, pulling, etc.).  Enhance your best features and pick the right colors for your wardrobe.  Build upon those three things and just have fun! Life is too short to wear boring clothes!

Do you have a favorite outfit right now and why?

I am so versatile in my garments but if I had to choose my ‘right now’ favorite outfit it would be my all over fuschia pant and blazer set.  It’s so bold and daring.  I feel extremely sexy in this suit and it’s definitely a head-turner.


Varness is the founder of Pray Then Slay, a ministry that is dedicated to connecting women and helping them succeed in everything they do, all for the glory of Christ Jesus.  The foundational message of her ministry is Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the kingdom of God.”  Varnessa is married to her handsome husband, Eddie, and they are parents to her 4-year-old nephew.  She uses her wardrobe styling business and ministry to provide hope and encouragement to every woman who wants to kill it in life and look good doing it!