Gifts for Mom Inspired by Her Love Language

Do you remember THAT gift?  The one that will forever be etched in your heart and mind?  The gift that exceeded thoughtful and spoke directly to a deep place in your soul?  Well, I love giving those kinds of gifts.  I get the biggest thrill knowing that I didn’t just give a gift that was practical, functional or even on someone’s list, but I found the perfect idea that would never be forgotten.… Read More

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Happy Easter!

Life is a gift.  But, eternal life is an undeserved, priceless gift. Blessings today as you celebrate Easter with your family and friends!!


A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.Read More

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Another Gift…

A beloved baby.

Our family is elated to share that we are expecting!  My sweet McKaela is going to be a big sister.  We are in the throes of packing and moving into a new home and are quite excited for the new season and adventures ahead of us.… Read More

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Move Over Perfection, Make Room for Excellence

Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing. — Harriet Braiker

As the oldest child in my family and with a very real and innate desire to please and excel, I think perfectionism will always be a thorn in my side.… Read More

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Owning Weakness, Finding Strength

One click.  It was gone.  Gone.  The Honors presentation I had spent long hours creating had vanished.  I had closed out without saving my powerpoint and what remained was a rough skeleton of a presentation. Stunned, I couldn’t believe it.  Didn’t want to believe it.  … Read More

167 Views0
Dear Stress, Let’s Break Up

It was December 3rd and I was checking my inbox, weeding out massive numbers of holiday sales flyers and advertisements when I came across one that read, “Last minute gift ideas…”.  Seriously?!  Last minute?  Since when did 22 days before Christmas become “last minute?”  … Read More

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