Top Rated Books About Food and Nutrition for Kids and Teens

top rated books about food and nutrition for kids and teens

Some dietitian friends have helped me create a list of top rated books about food and nutrition for kids and teens!

It is known that reading books have the potential to skyrocket kids’ vocabulary and ability to communicate well, but they also build knowledge and create curiosity… and curiosity can lead to powerful actions.Read More

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Creamy Pumpkin Pie Dip (low sugar)

No need for a special occasion or party, this lower sugar Creamy Pumpkin Pie Dip can be enjoyed anytime, any day!  In a matter of 5 minutes or less, you can whip up a creamy, perfectly spiced dip to enjoy with sliced apples, pears, ginger snaps or graham crackers.  Read More

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Mindful Eating Challenge

mindful eating challenge

It happens to us all- we get caught up in the festivities, music, laughter, conversation and hustle and lose track of what we’ve eaten, how much and how we really feel. Eating mindfully during the holiday season can feel frustrating and on some days, even impossible, especially when our typical schedules are interrupted with more and more to-dos.… Read More

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