Holiday Gift Guide 2020

Are you looking for some creative gift ideas for all the special people in your life?  These are some of my favorite gift ideas!  Every single item is one that I have been given, purchased for our family or gifted to someone. Read More

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Walmart Free Grocery PickUp- An Honest Review

Walmart Grocery Pickup Review… is this service for you?

walmart grocery pickup review

What if you had an assistant that would run all your errands?  I know- glorious! But, that is what Walmart and many grocery stores are offering… an assistant does all your shopping.  Read More

797 Views0
How to Regain Momentum and Motivation When You’ve Lost It

If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. –Fred DeVito

how to regain motivation to get healthy

These familiar words ring true.  But, has your challenge ever felt “too big?”  Overwhelming, perhaps?  Staying motivated along the journey of weight loss or even weight maintenance seems to become a struggle for most everyone at some point.  Read More

606 Views0
Courage & Community- Brave Mommas Healing After Cesarean

A waterfall of emotions flooded my body right there in that moment in the hospital room. Disappointment, grief, relief, fear… Having spent the better half of a year preparing for that day, those hours, that moment, this was the one kink in the plan that I hadn’t even considered- literally, it hadn’t crossed my mind.  Read More

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My New Year’s Challenge

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Resolutions may be a thing of the past.  In our current culture, anti-resolution talk is everywhere.  We are dissuaded from making these unrealistic proclamations that less than 5 % of individuals actually achieve.  Ironically, productivity experts, health gurus, organization masters, finance coaches and other wizards are all busy promoting their stellar programs to help you overcome your biggest obstacles and become your best self.  Read More

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