Holiday Gift Guide 2020

Are you looking for some creative gift ideas for all the special people in your life?  These are some of my favorite gift ideas!  Every single item is one that I have been given, purchased for our family or gifted to someone. Read More

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Another Gift…

A beloved baby.

Our family is elated to share that we are expecting!  My sweet McKaela is going to be a big sister.  We are in the throes of packing and moving into a new home and are quite excited for the new season and adventures ahead of us.… Read More

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Unique Mason Jar Gifts that Don’t Disappoint

As the daughter of a teacher, it is not uncommon to walk into my parents home during the holidays and see an array of cookies, cakes, candy, cupcakes and sweets galore!…  Think Willie Wonka, the home version! The kids in her classroom, and their mothers, ADORE her and shower her with gratitude and edible gifts.  … Read More

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