Easy Pumpkin Spice Granola

Leaves are falling, harvest scents are diffusing and this Easy Pumpkin Spice Granola is baking… or at least it should be in your oven!

Easy Pumpkin Spice Granola

Warm spices, maple sweetness, crunchy nuts and hearty oats make this granola the perfect yogurt topping or by-the-handful snack. Read More

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Blueberry Beet Smoothie (High Protein)

Since we eat with our eyes, this high protein Blueberry Beet Smoothie just may be the most gorgeous purple smoothie you will ever blended up!  But colorful appeal isn’t the only thing it has going for it…

Blueberry Beet Smoothie high protein recipe

  • Beets contain betalains and blueberries contain anthocyanins, two pigments that give the gorgeous purple hues and also have anti-inflammatory properties.
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Fudgy Chocolate Hummus (low added sugar recipe)

Rich, creamy and just sweet enough, this Fudgy Chocolate Hummus will have everyone reaching for apples and strawberries to dig in!  

Lots of lessons have been learned around here but one that I figured out quick was that dip makes fruits and veggies more fun. … Read More

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Strawberry Banana Greek Yogurt (No Added Sugar)

Perfectly sweet and creamy, this Strawberry Banana Greek Yogurt uses up very ripe produce to make a delicious snack or breakfast.  

strawberry banana greek yogurt recipe easy

It looks like a commercial brand from the dairy case but doesn’t have any artificial colors or sweeteners, added sugars, or thickeners and costs much less than the individual snack cups.Read More

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Super Simple No-Guilt Blueberry Syrup

July is National Blueberry Month!  Therefore, it is the perfect time to celebrate these perky sweet berries with a no fuss recipe that is as “easy as [blueberry] pie,” no actually, MUCH easier!  It can hardly be called a recipe it is SO SIMPLE, but I guarantee that you and your family will adore it!… Read More

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Chocolate Chip Chickpea Blondie Bar

Gooey and decadent, you will never know these chocolate chip blondies are made with good-for-you ingredients!

Years ago, my good friend made a decadent dessert, Tollhouse Pie, for all of her neighbors and employer for Christmas.  Sitting across the table from her at lunch, she described this seductively sweet treat.Read More

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