Confidence or Community- Are You Seeking the Right One?

Dull, drab, unfashionable, that’s exactly how I felt only a couple of years ago.  After having a baby, moving to a new city and leaving a career, I felt a little lost. The identity I thought I knew was no longer and I found myself self-conscious and uncertain.  Read More

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Happy Mother’s Day!

For all that you do that goes unnoticed. For all that you give, sacrificially and without strings attached. For the greatness of your love that gushes out of your being. You are Chosen.  You are Known.  And, You are CELEBRATED!! Cheering and honoring all of you MOMS today!  Read More

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Gifts for Mom Inspired by Her Love Language

Do you remember THAT gift?  The one that will forever be etched in your heart and mind?  The gift that exceeded thoughtful and spoke directly to a deep place in your soul?  Well, I love giving those kinds of gifts.  I get the biggest thrill knowing that I didn’t just give a gift that was practical, functional or even on someone’s list, but I found the perfect idea that would never be forgotten.… Read More

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