Strawberry Banana Greek Yogurt (No Added Sugar)

Perfectly sweet and creamy, this Strawberry Banana Greek Yogurt uses up very ripe produce to make a delicious snack or breakfast.  

strawberry banana greek yogurt recipe easy

It looks like a commercial brand from the dairy case but doesn’t have any artificial colors or sweeteners, added sugars, or thickeners and costs much less than the individual snack cups.Read More

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Super Simple No-Guilt Blueberry Syrup

July is National Blueberry Month!  Therefore, it is the perfect time to celebrate these perky sweet berries with a no fuss recipe that is as “easy as [blueberry] pie,” no actually, MUCH easier!  It can hardly be called a recipe it is SO SIMPLE, but I guarantee that you and your family will adore it!… Read More

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Oatmeal Date Balls (No Added Sugar)


oatmeal date balls recipe

Whether you are going to a party, battling afternoon fatigue or dreaming of a before bedtime indulgence, sweets are what we crave.  How can we cure our sweet tooth without added sugar?  Real plant foods that are naturally sweet- like dates!  Read More

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