Unique Mason Jar Gifts that Don’t Disappoint

As the daughter of a teacher, it is not uncommon to walk into my parents home during the holidays and see an array of cookies, cakes, candy, cupcakes and sweets galore!…  Think Willie Wonka, the home version! The kids in her classroom, and their mothers, ADORE her and shower her with gratitude and edible gifts.  … Read More

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Taste of Fall Pumpkin Butter

Tis’ the season for pumpkin!  This quintessential food of Autumn delights our taste buds and is incorporated into a variety of recipes and cuisine throughout the fall- pies, breads, muffins, cheesecake, soups, pasta, …, even lattes, smoothies, and cocktails!  For many, pumpkin ignites feelings of warm cheer on cool evenings and ‘sugar, spice and everything nice’!… Read More

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