Easy Citrus Vinaigrette Dressing

Fresh and flavorful, this zippy salad dressing has the perfect combination of sweet and tang. It will liven up any salad greens, but is especially good on spinach, butter leaf lettuce or arugula.

citrus vinaigrette dressing recipe

Salads are a great way to eat up a variety of veggies, but there is 1 thing that makes all the flavors meld together- a really good salad dressing.  Read More

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Sweet & Tangy Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing- Easy as 1,2,3!

Sweet and Tangy Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing

There is something formal and fancy sounding about homemade salad dressing.  But there are few recipes as easy- especially vinaigrette dressings. And my Sweet & Tangy Balsamic Vinaigrette does not disappoint!

Bottled salad dressings have their place, but taking 2 minutes to shake up your own homemade dressing is incredibly worthwhile.  Read More

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Dressing Up Your Salads

Take a look at almost anyone’s refrigerator door and you will likely find a bottle (or two or three) of their favorite salad dressing. Which one do you choose when you are at the grocery store? What makes you buy that one in particular?… Read More

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