How to Stop Prediabetes in Its Tracks


According to the CDC, 9.3% of the population has diabetes, BUT, 3X as many people have prediabetes.  Essentially, 1 out of 3 individuals have prediabetes, but the sad part is that 90% of them don’t even know it!  Today, we are shining light on this condition and what you can do to drastically reduce your odds of getting diabetes.Read More

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Oatmeal Date Balls (No Added Sugar)


oatmeal date balls recipe

Whether you are going to a party, battling afternoon fatigue or dreaming of a before bedtime indulgence, sweets are what we crave.  How can we cure our sweet tooth without added sugar?  Real plant foods that are naturally sweet- like dates!  Read More

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15 Hidden Sources of Added Sugar

According to the CDC, sugar-sweetened beverages, ice cream, candy, cakes, cookies and sweetened pastries are the leading sources of added sugar in the American diet.  BUT, there are dozens of foods and products with hidden sources of added sugars that might not be so obvious.  Read More

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