Meat-LESS Meal Planning for Carnivores

“You’re kidding?”  That was the response I received the first time I suggested we try following a ‘Meatless Monday’ meal plan.  No amount of feminine charms could convince or seduce my husband into getting on board.  It became a mute subject.  Read More

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Broccoli Hummus Snack Bites

Healthy is not a size…it’s a lifestyle.

How often do you choose a veggie at snack time?

Vegetables may not be the first thing we think to grab at 4pm, but these savory broccoli hummus snack bites might just change your mind! … Read More

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Quinoa Edamame Salad with Citrus Vinaigrette
quinoa edamame salad with citrus vinaigrette

Several years ago, when working in a traditional job, I packed the same lunch almost every day.  While predictable does equal easy in many ways, it did get a bit boring and monotonous.  But after cleaning up the kitchen from dinner every night, prepping and packing lunch for the next day wasn’t (and still isn’t) very appealing.… Read More

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Honey Parmesan Roasted Acorn Squash

Acorn squash is one of more than a dozen winter squash varieties and like the name indicates, it is a large replica of those oak tree acorns that pepper the ground during the fall and winter.

Quite possibly you have passed by these cute green and orange gourds a time or two at your grocery store or farmer’s market.  … Read More

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Spaghetti Squash 101

Maybe 2017 is the year you are trying to find some new and fresh ways to enjoy veggies or maybe you know you just need to eat more of them! Spaghetti squash is a super fun vegetable for parents and kids alike!  … Read More

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