Strong & Lean- How Much Protein to Do You Really Need?

It seems like everywhere you turn, protein is being praised and promoted. Protein chips, protein pancakes, protein mac’n’cheese, protein peanut butter cups, the list goes on…. And of course, there is always the good ‘ole protein bar.  While this macronutrient is vital to health, stamina and strength, most individuals don’t know how much they are getting OR if it’s enough.… Read More

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Are You REALLY Hungry? How to Know…

Moist chocolate cupcakes with coconut cream icing and chocolate ice cream- that was how my husband wanted to celebrate his birthday a few days ago.  We found a special cake recipe that would accommodate for my daughter’s food allergies and even bought her coconut milk ice cream to go with it.  Read More

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The Pros & Cons of a Food Tracker App- Is It Right For You?

Food tracker apps are on everyone’s smart device.  MyFitnessPal Calorie Counter has over 50 million downloads!  The USDA SuperTracker has over 27 million users.  LoseIt, SparkPeople, FatSecret- there are dozens of food diary apps that allow you to record what and when you are eating.  Read More

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Oatmeal Date Balls (No Added Sugar)


oatmeal date balls recipe

Whether you are going to a party, battling afternoon fatigue or dreaming of a before bedtime indulgence, sweets are what we crave.  How can we cure our sweet tooth without added sugar?  Real plant foods that are naturally sweet- like dates!  Read More

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