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5-day eat more veggies challenge

Did you know…

  • One cup of acorn squash has MORE potassium than a banana AND 9 grams of fiber!
  • Vitamin C rich red bell peppers and tomatoes will help you absorb iron in foods.
  • Half a cup of cooked spinach has more vitamin A than 1/2 cup of raw carrots.
  • Beets (and beetroot products) can significantly lower blood pressure within a few hours of ingestion.

These are just a few of the amazing ways veggies and plants enhance our nutrition and well-being. But eating 5+servings daily has it’s challenges. Boredom, selective eaters, time, know-how, … These are barriers that can feel overwhelming. My upcoming 5-Day Eat MORE Veggies Challenge is going to help you navigate through them.

The challenge begins Monday, April 8th. You can sign up today and it’s super simple to JOIN THE CHALLENGE.

Several months ago many of you told me after the 5-Day Meal Planning Challenge, that you wanted to do a veggies challenge. As I have continued to ask more questions, you have shared that you want

  • easy veggie recipes to breakup the boredom
  • to learn easy ways to prepare veggies you don’t usually make
  • tips to help kids eat more veggies
  • suggestions for working veggies into snacks

This FREE 5-Day Eat MORE Veggies Challenge is going to help you tackle those common barriers that keep us feeling stuck. Each day you will receive an email with an ACTION STEP that will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. There will be lots more BONUS recipes, tips, tricks, strategies and live videos with me in the Facebook Group so that you get exactly what you need to amp up the veggies in your meals.

Whether you are a veggie lover, veggie skeptic or somewhere in the middle, this challenge will take you to the next level.

GAIN fresh ideas, family-friendly veggie strategies and preparation know-how so that you and your whole family ENJOY more veggies.

Come join myself and a community of women (lots of moms) as we take steps to nourish our bodies and feed our families well.


Eat more veggies challenge

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