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(Grilled Broccoli & Cheese Sandwich)

DID YOU KNOW… according to research, there are 9 critical nutrients Americans aged 2 and up UNDER-consume every day? That’s right, thousands of kids, teens, adults, and elderly aren’t getting enough nutrients to promote optimal health, wellness and energy.  Good health is about nourishing and fueling our bodies so that we feel and perform our best. And, it’s not as hard, expensive or complicated as we might think! You can amp up your nutrition with a few no-brainer tweaks.

Research shows 1 common thread among the studies on how to fuel for optimal health- eat more plants.  This is truly the 1 tried and true recommendation that is confirmed again and again.

One meta-analysis, which reviewed and combined the results of 95 different studies showed that plants are powerful!  So powerful that they can prevent early death, combat cardiovascular disease and halt cancer before it even begins!  Read even more research-based benefits in my article, 3 Simple & Delicious Ways to Add Veggies to Family Favorites.     

When we are considering making changes to what we buy at the grocery store and eat everyday, it can feel a bit overwhelming.  The trick isn’t a diet overhaul. Your solution is to find simple and creative ways to slip, sprinkle, mash, puree, add, and grate more “plants” into a meal or snack without much effort.  This isn’t about hiding or sneaking. It’s about amplifying the nutrition in your everyday meals.

You can do this!  Here are some tasty and easy ways to amp up nutrition in your everyday meals.  But not need to remember it all because there is a handy printable at the bottom! 


1. Add a can of black beans to seasoned taco meat.

Americans get an average of about 15 grams of fiber per day, falling short by 50%!  Black beans contain 7 grams of fiber per serving (about 3 ½ servings per can). Also, rich in protein, iron, folic acid, potassium and antioxidants, adding black beans to your tex-mex meal is a no-brainer! AND, you can boost your absorption of the iron in black beans by adding some vitamin C rich bell peppers (sauteed or raw) to the meal.  Find even more high fiber solutions here.

(Tex-Mex Slow Cooker Chicken & Black Beans)


2. Mix cauliflower rice into brown rice.

For those young and old, who have not fully embraced cauliflower rice in all it’s deliciousness, going half-and-half is the way it will win you over!   Keep a frozen bag of cauliflower rice in your kitchen at all times. Just toss into a dry non-stick pan for about 5 minutes to allow the water to evaporate and soften the “rice” and then stir into your rice and season.  Not only will it cut calories dramatically, but a ½ cup serving will supply you with a huge boost of vitamin C and cancer fighting phytochemicals!  But, if you are ready to go all-in, then give this Mexican Cauliflower Rice a try!


3. Add spiralized zucchini, carrots or squash into spaghetti.

Who knew spiralized ‘noodles’ could be so fun?!  Well someone did because this kitchen tool is not only easy to use but produces fun food in a matter of  60 seconds flat! While pasta is not a forbidden food and can be a part of a healthy diet, spiralized noodles will pack your pasta bowl with a host of vitamins and minerals for only a handful of calories.  Toss them in a pot of boiling water for a few seconds or into a pan with some olive oil until soft. This is one of the ultimate ways to make nutritious food fun and tasty!


4. Crunch on dry roasted chickpeas or edamame beans for snack.

Salty, crunchy, savory- these dry roasted beans are perfect for munching and a great sub for chips.  This satisfying snack boasts 5-8 grams of fiber per ¼ cup serving. Eat along with a fruit for the perfect combo of sweet and salty.  But don’t stop at snack time, these dried beans are a great salad topper and a fun pop of crunch on a creamy soup (like this butternut soup). Find our family’s favorite brand here.


5. Top a tossed salad with a hard cooked egg or edamame beans.

Salads are a great vehicle to eat more veggies but if they don’t include a protein food, you will find yourself hungry soon after.  Hard cooked eggs can be cooked in bulk and stored in the fridge for a fast breakfast, snack or your salad protein fix. No more fear about egg cholesterol- eat the whole egg and enjoy it!  Containing 6 grams protein, vitamin D and iron, eggs are nutrient rich and easy! Of course, shelled edamame is another fantastic option with about 10 grams protein per ½ cup serving along with 4 grams fiber, potassium and vitamin C.  


6. Sprinkle chia seeds on your morning cup of yogurt.

One mom calls them “black sprinkles”, helping her toddlers get a little bit more nutrition in their daily breakfast.  One tablespoon of chia seeds contains 2 grams of protein and about 5 grams of fiber along with some important minerals! Virtually tasteless, these seeds add a bit of crunch and texture to yogurt, or even oatmeal and hot cereals.  If a tablespoon seems like too much, begin with 1 teaspoon and then get creative how you can add these “black sprinkles” into different meals and snacks during the day.


7. Toss some spinach or leftover veggies into scrambled eggs.

Let no veggies go to waste!  Do you have leftover roasted veggies sitting around?  Or spinach in the produce drawer? Did you find some sauteed onions and peppers from dinner the other night? Crack some eggs and stir in the veggies.  By bulking up the eggs with low calorie, nutrient rich veggies, you add a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This satisfying breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner will help you stay full and sustain your blood glucose for hours.


8. Serve kale chips instead of potato chips with burgers and sandwiches.

For about ⅓ the cost of a bag of potato chips, a bunch of kale can turn into a nutritious, crunchy side to your favorite sandwich.  Get your salt fix without greasy fingers. This easy Parmesan Kale Chips recipe is a winner but if convenience is what you need, grab them in bag– all ready for munching.  Get your full daily dose of vitamin A and vitamin C from this 1 veggie!

(Parmesan Kale Chips)


9. Stir egg whites into hot oatmeal or hot quinoa cereal.

Protein helps keep you full and distributing it throughout the day will help you maintain lean body mass (muscle!!).  A quarter cup of egg whites contains about 6 grams of protein to keep your blood sugar stabilized and keep you energized.  Don’t worry about salmonella- liquid egg whites are pasteurized. Try my Carrot Cake High Protein Oatmeal or this Chocolate Banana Breakfast Quinoa– 2 versions with an egg white protein boost.  You will never know it’s in there!

(High-Protein Chocolate Banana Breakfast Quinoa)

Good nutrition needn’t be hard, complicated or expensive.  These are some of my fast and favorite easy ways to amp up nutrition in our family meals.  Maybe they will become some of your favorites too! For more fresh ideas, grab the printable, 21 Easy Ways to Amp Up Nutrition in Your Weekday Meals & Snacks.

21 Easy Ways to AMP UP Nutrition

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Where should you start?  Choose 1 or 2 ideas… ideally ones that don’t require a trip to the grocery store.  

Give yourself and your family a nutrition boost today!

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