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Do you remember THAT gift?  The one that will forever be etched in your heart and mind?  The gift that exceeded thoughtful and spoke directly to a deep place in your soul?  Well, I love giving those kinds of gifts.  I get the biggest thrill knowing that I didn’t just give a gift that was practical, functional or even on someone’s list, but I found the perfect idea that would never be forgotten.

Not every gift we give will have that depth of meaning to the other person. In fact, there is really no telling what they exactly think about it.  BUT, we can be purposeful, intentional and heartfelt giving to Mom this year.

As you think about your mom and what might make her glow with warmth and appreciation, consider choosing a gift that fits her love language.  We don’t all love and appreciate the same gifts because we all speak our own love language.  Gary Chapman claims there are 5 ways individuals speak and express love:

  • Words of Affirmation
  • Acts of Service
  • Quality Time
  • Gift Giving
  • Physical Touch

Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages, completely changed the way I loved and showed appreciation towards my husband, family and friends. Although I read his book over a decade ago, the understanding I received has allowed me to implement the principles into my everyday life.  If you are unsure of your mom’s love language, this article may help you uncover how she tends to give and receive love so that you can speak directly to her heart.

Once you have identified her love language or the top few you see in her, then you can get creative in choosing a gift that she will love!

Here are a few ideas to help you speak love to the very person who gave you life.


Words of Affirmation

Write a Special Poem, Song or Record a Memorable Story that Shares How Your Mom has Influenced Your Life 

Individuals who thrive on words of affirmation love specific details about why you love them. General words like “amazing” or “terrific” or “loving” don’t carry as much weight as when the words share reasons, examples, specific moments or memories.  You don’t need to be a wordsmith.  Just write a note or memory straight from your heart.  To make this gift a bit more classy, frame your note or poem with a matte so that Mom can read it frequently.

Words of Affirmation Jar

Share encouraging quotes, scriptures, short memories, and words of gratitude on small pieces of paper.  Fold them up and put them in a glass mason jar (like these).  The few times I have given this type of gift it made the person light up with excitement!  This is a great gift for several kids to give Mom because everyone can add their own messages and sign them. Mom can read them all at once or savor them day by day…however she pleases.  I guarantee she will read them over and over.

Meaning of Her Name

What does your mom’s name mean?  Where is the origin?  Research the meaning(s) of her name, type it out and put it in a frame.  We love this book because it gives a spiritual connotation and scriptural reference as well.  It is a beautiful way to celebrate Mom in all her fullness.


Acts of Service

Car Wash

Grab your cleaning gear and get to work OR grab her keys and take the Mom-mobile for a spin through the car wash.  Want to take it to another level?  Get her car detailed.  Serving her by washing her car will speak volumes!  Make it sparkle!

Make her Favorite Meal

Brunch or breakfast in bed seems to be the common Mother’s Day tradition, but instead of following suit, consider her favorite meal or recipe. This could mean making a dish from scratch or taking her to her favorite restaurant or even ordering take out. The blessing is that you thought it through, planned it out and made it happen.

Clean the House

Moms clean-up every day.  There are no days off, not even “sick days”.  If your mom’s love language is acts of service, cleaning her house (yourself or hiring someone) demonstrates love to her in a BIG way.  Don’t forget the nooks and crannies, floor boards, and underneath the couch!


Quality Time

Take Mom on an Adventure

Where has your mom talked about going but hasn’t made it there yet? Plan an outing that allows her to explore this place with you.  Add in a surprise or 2 that keeps the anticipation mounting.  Make sure to take some selfies with Mom!

Do Your Mom’s Favorite Hobby With Her

Does your mom love to paint?  Maybe she has an eye for decor shopping! Does your mom have a favorite dance or aerobic class?  Is your mom a mean card shark?!  She may not do these hobbies often, but it doesn’t mean she has lost her love.  Do it with her!  Show her that regardless of your personal interest in the activity, you are interested in spending time with her and that is most important to you.

Enjoy a Warm or Cold Beverage in Her Favorite Place

For those who thrive on quality time, your mere presence shows you care. Make sure to engage in conversation and be an active listener instead of simply allowing her to talk.  If needed, plan questions to ask in advance just in case engaging conversation isn’t your strength.  Put away electronic distractions and commit to eye contact.  Maybe she adores going to the park, walking around the lake or simply sitting on her porch swing.  For quality timers, the place adds to the ambiance, but the company, that’s what makes their heart sing!


Gift Giving

A Special Framed Photo

Grab your phone or camera and find the best picture of you and your mom.  It could be recent or old.  The more story behind it the better. Enlarge it, frame it and give it.  We capture so many photos with our electronics but turning these memories into visible art that can be placed on a side table or hung on the wall becomes the gift that keeps on giving. That picture will warm her heart every time she passes by.

Give a Donation to Her Favorite Charity

Does your mom volunteer or invest her time at a non-profit or service organization?  Maybe she has a heart for a missions organization or agency that rescues girls from trafficking?  Honor your Mom and her efforts by giving a monetary gift in her name.  This simple act of generosity honors what she values.

Plan an Experience

Stuff eventually loses value, gets old, dirty, and worn.  But an experience, that creates a memory for a lifetime!  Consider her bucket list or ideas she has dreamed about.  If she hasn’t given any hints, then do the thinking for her and consider her current interests.  Some moms might be thrilled to go zip lining or parasailing, while other moms might love to take a stained glass art class.  Some moms might love to go on a girls weekend to a nearby city, see a show and eat some amazing food.  But you need not look far for a good adventure, there is one just waiting outside your back door.  Create a memory with her she won’t soon forget!


Physical Touch

A Really Good Hug

Do you know how to give a really good hug?!  Not those side hugs or pats on the back, but a squeeze that says, “I love you, Mom”?  Well, if not, now is the time to practice because individuals who need physical touch value hugs more than you can imagine!  Even if you aren’t the feely-touchy type, this one act speaks volumes of love.


Create a coupon for three, 15-minute chair massages to be redeemed at any time.  Or, buy a gift card to a local spa for a luxurious massage.  Either way, you can meet this emotional need for love through the physical act.

Pedicure or Manicure

Pamper your Mom with a foot massage and pretty nails.  Grab a gift certificate to her favorite spa or nail salon.


Mother’s Day is an opportunity to speak to your mom in her love language and share just how much she means to you.  She is a true gift.  Your thoughtful expression of love is one meaningful way to celebrate her.


TRUTH: Her children respect and bless her; her husband joins in with words of praise: “Many women have done wonderful things, but you’ve outclassed them all!”

Proverbs 31:28-29 (MSG)


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