Another Gift…

A beloved baby.

Our family is elated to share that we are expecting!  My sweet McKaela is going to be a big sister.  We are in the throes of packing and moving into a new home and are quite excited for the new season and adventures ahead of us.… Read More

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Feeding a Toddler…The Continuing Saga

The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.  –Michel Legrand

As many of you know, I have a lively little girl who has added more joy to our lives that we ever imagined possible.  … Read More

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4 Kid Friendly Breakfast Ideas- Delicious Eats for Your Growing Tot

Sometimes breakfast is boring.  The reality is that many of us eat the same foods every morning now that we did 3 months ago, 6 months ago and even a year ago. And, while we may be completely fine with that, if we are giving our kids the same foods every morning, we are missing out on a significant opportunity to invite more exposure to a variety of foods.… Read More

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Giving Our Kids a Taste for Fruits and Vegetables

According to the CDC, statistics from 2003-2010 show that only 7% of children, adolescents and teens (age 2-18) eat the recommended servings of vegetables each day (1-3 cups/day, depending on age).  Better news shows that some progress has been made in the area of fruit consumption, but 60% of children still fail to meet the 1-2 cup serving per day.  … Read More

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