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As the 2016 Rio Olympics come to a close and the athletes make the long trip home, there will be dozens of people ready to welcome them with open arms when they step off the plane in their home city.  Cheers, applause, hugs, and signs will crown these individuals with praise and honor- all given by people.


Over the last 2 weeks, I have watched dozens of athletic events- volleyball, gymnastics, diving, rowing, swimming, hurdles …  The sequence of events building the drama and excitement to the final moment when one finally comes out on top.  These athletes have a sense of determination, confidence, and passion that goes beyond my comprehension.  To be so emotionally, mentally and physically involved in a sport is something that not all of us truly understand.  But even with all their drive and heart, these individuals didn’t get there alone.  

In fact, not a single person made it to the Olympics because of sheer individual talent.  These athletes have people, many people in their lives- past and present- that have actually walked or run with them along this journey.  While the athlete takes home the honor of representing self and country, the parents, coaches, mentors, childhood competitors, family members, and friends are the people that have shaped the person to become an elite in their sport.  Without the support of people, these athletes wouldn’t be standing on a platform, running on a track, spiking in the sand, or flying over an 18 foot high bar.


Some athletes wouldn’t even be here, if not for people who care.  Allison Schmitt, Olympic swimmer in the London games 4 years ago took home 5 medals, 3 of them gold.  She was a swimming superstar!  After graduating from the University of Georgia, she decided to make her passion her job and become a professional swimmer.  But even with name recognition and many opportunities in front of her, she was pulled into a deep depression.  Allison comments to Swimming World Magazine that “We’re taught to keep persevering and pushing through, but life can be scary alone and there are a lot of other people out there that can help you and that have had similar experiences to you.” She says in an interview with Jena Bush Hager of Today, that “you can never get through life alone.”  


Her healing began when Allison reached out to her coach, teammates and a counselor to help her through.  She graced the Rio Olympics with renewed perspective on life and leaves with 1 gold and 1 silver medal.  She probably would not have been swimming in Rio at all without the continuing support she has received- from people.  


What would we do without our support system?  Who would we be without teammates in life?  

When I consider who I am today and the accomplishments I have achieved, it is because I had parents that sacrificed to give me a Christian education and demonstrated what family values look like in real life.  It is because I had a Youth Pastor that invested in me, prayed for me and taught me leadership skills I practice today.  It is because of a sister who would remind me what it looks like to be brave and take a risk for the fun of it.  It is because of a mentor who has listened to me sob on the phone in a place of despair and spoke words of Truth into my life.  It is because of the countless other individuals that have encouraged and uplifted me, believed in me, prayed for me, invested financially in me (thank you college scholarships!), and more! 

Who are you today?  Who has spoken words of life into your pit?  Who has given you a hand to stand up or a shoulder to cry on?  Who saw your potential when you were still clumsy and inexperienced?


Simone Biles, Rio Olympic Gold Medal gymnast, is in a commercial where she states that she practices in the gym 300 days per year.  Wow!  Her dedication is her own.  But, who drove her there those 300 days before she could drive? Who paid for the year round membership to the gym, classes, coaches, camps, and extra trainings?  Who saw something in her as a little girl and decided to put her in gymnastics to give it a try?  Who sacrificed time and money to take her to championships and competitions? Who saw her fall again and again and encouraged her to go at it one more time.  Who stayed late to help her add finesse to a routine or master a skill?


People.  But not just any people, special, valuable individuals that have chosen to invest.  


These Olympians have achieved significant, if not monumental successes- even textbook worthy accomplishments.  But their achievements are not their own.  As I hear commercials and interviews of these Olympians thanking parents and family members for their unconditional love, support and sacrifices all along the way, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all the people that have invested in me.  What a blessing that someone didn’t give up on me and saw what was in me!  


Sometimes it takes another person to share healthy perspective with us and see the BIG picture beyond the narrow frame we use to box in our lives.  As “iron sharpens iron (Prov 27:17)”, we need individuals to make us better, stronger, and more effective than before.  Do you have specific individuals in your life that have helped you become a healthy person?  Do you have people that you allow, if not, invite, to speak Truth and provide constructive feedback?  Do you have people that provide empathy but refuse to join your pity party?  Do you have people that are givers of hope and abounding love?


Please join me in thanking all of these individuals that have given so selflessly and invested in our lives.  They choose to see us, the person, not the pomp and circumstance, medals and list of achievements or the lack thereof.  Honor them by becoming a hope giver to someone else.    


TRUTH: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Philippians 2:3-4  SourcesSwimming World Magazine: https://www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/news/olympian-allison-schmitt-bringing-darkness-of-depression-to-light/Core Power commercial: https://vimeo.com/168246984Today interview: http://www.nbcolympics.com/video/schmitt-perseveres-through-struggles-and-out-pool 

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