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As I blogger, I believe there are 2 ways I can write– out of fullness or emptiness.  When I am full, creative ideas flow, research and stories come to mind, language not only expresses an idea but is meaningful and from the heart.  Sometimes I envision a previous scenario or conversation I have had with a patient, client or even dietitian and then think about how I can provide perspective, create solutions and encourage determination.  When I am full, creativity is not forced, it is the natural progression of my thoughts.  I am giving out of overflow, whether it be overflow of compassion, overflow of knowledge, overflow of love, overflow of joy, …  


In those moments, my heart is totally focused on the person this might help rather than the gain I might receive.   


But I am aware that sometimes I am writing out of emptiness, when I am searching for words and hunting for the perfect phrases. It is not just about having an idea to capitalize on during my writing but it truly goes deeper to an issue of the heart.  This theory goes beyond writing and I believe invades the way that we live and give.  When I am empty, myself is the one I seek to fill, not my blog readers, friends, or family.  I might give the perception of interest in serving and investing in another person, but at these times, personal recognition is usually the core of the matter.  Admitting this is difficult, but it is true.  


The question to ask is, ‘Am I full?’  Whenever I have to think very long on this, the answer is usually pretty clear.  Whether my glass is 38%, 73% or 98% full, if I am not full to overflowing, I don’t believe I can demonstrate the pure love of Christ.  His love is without limits, qualifications or restrictions.  It is endless, unconditional and abounding.  Being full doesn’t lead to a life without stress, but it does allow the overflow to wash over all the chaos to enhance my spiritual perspective.


Am I full?  If we are living in a place of emotional and spiritual lack, how can we then nurture the emotional health of someone else with love and tenderness?  How can we give sacrificially?  How can we serve with kindness? It is also only in a place of love, that one can set healthy boundaries because boundaries set in offense only serve to damage the relationship.


How do we react when we are NOT full?

  • Give with strings attached

  • Look for personal gain instead of opportunities to serve

  • Play the martyr card

  • Expect a favor in return for a good deed

  • Host a pity party for our sad disappointments

  • Allow fear to keep us in bondage instead of living our dreams

  • Expect someone else to be our savior


So, if living a life half full sounds unappealing, how do we become full? Even better, how do we become full to overflow?  I have asked myself this question many times in the last year.  For me, some monumental changes in life- having a baby, leaving my beloved job, and moving to a new city without knowing anyone- rocked my world and made me aware that my cup has been leaking rather than overflowing.  Struggling with discontent, I saw my selfish desires were blooming, rather than my acts of service.  


The beauty is that God can’t wait to pour himself back into us… we just have to invite Him. There are still days when I feel a little empty, but they are much fewer than before- primarily because I don’t like it AND feeling full is electric, charging me up and connecting me to the beating heart of God!  


Determined to continue the momentum, like water flowing through a faucet into a bathtub full to the brim, I have had to restructure some areas of my life that were draining and reframe my thinking and practices. These are a few things I have learned:



Spending time with the Lord is the only way to build relationship.  Listening to a pastor, friend, family member, speaker or spouse tell you about Him does not build connection.  YOU are the only person that has the power to do so.  Thankfully, He is eager to talk to you- every, single, time!  God delights in you!



God does not waver on whether he wants to speak with you.  He does.  And He will!  Every morning I begin a quiet time confidently expecting that He is ready to give me a word, phrase or verse that will breathe life into me.  I don’t sit down expecting to read a nice Bible story or envision life in Biblical times.  With an open heart, I read the Word and listen for my revelation- my truth that speaks exactly to the circumstances and opportunities before me. God meets me every time.  



Love extends a cord of connection.  It allows you to remain powerful by choosing your response instead of unleashing a torrent of emotions.  Love assumes and believes the best instead of expecting that wrong was knowingly or intentionally done.  Love looks beyond gain, winning and recognition to give, serve and uplift.  Releasing love is exceptionally difficult in a place of pain and when we have been wronged, however, God uses us to demonstrate redeeming love to people.  We are the vehicle he uses.  In fact, you are instrumental to His plan.  As I have changed my perception, understanding that my expression of love to someone is not just the ‘right choice’ but a power tool God will use to redeem that which is broken, I am amazed.  What if my expression of love allows someone else to be filled?!


 If you have been leaking, He can patch your holes.  If you are dry, He can refresh the weary.  If you have been looking at life half empty, he can fill you…to overflow.  TRUTHMay the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.Romans 15:13

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